Dresden, Neumarkt mit Martin Luther vor der Frauenkirche
Aufnahme, picture: 2013;
Fotoapparat, camera: Praktica MTL 50, Baujahr, year of manufacture: 1985-89;
Objektiv, lens: Beroflex 2,8/135;
Film, film: dm ISO 400;
Scann: Negativ, negative, Epson Perfection V600 Photo;
Bearbeitet, edit: pse und and ACDSee;
Zeittafel Martin Luther
1483 in Eisleben geboren
1498 Lateinschule in Eisenach
1505 Mönch in Erfurt
1507 Theologiestudiums in Erfurt
1512 Wittenberg, Doktor der Theologie
1517 Thesenanschlag an der Schlosskirche in Wittenberg
1521 Luther vor dem Reichstag in Worms; Flucht auf die Wartburg;Übersetzung des Neuen Testaments
1522 Rückkehr nach Wittenberg
1525 Heirat Luther Katharina von Bora
1534 Die Bibel kommt in deutscher Übersetzung heraus
1546 stirbt Luther in Eisleben
This text was translated by me with a translator. This can lead to errors. I apologize for that.
Chronology Martin Luther
Born 1483 in Eisleben
1498 Latin school in Eisenach
1505 monk in Erfurt
1507 studying theology in Erfurt
1512 Wittenberg, Doctor of Divinity
1517 Theses on the Castle Church in Wittenberg
1521 Luther before the Diet of Worms; escape to the Wartburg; translation of the New Testament
1522 return to Wittenberg
1525 Luther married Katharina von Bora
1534 The Bible is published in German translation
1546 Luther died in Eisleben
Martin Luther was born in Eisleben in 1483 and died in 1546 also in Eisleben. He was the author of the Reformation. His Reformation thinking and faith embodied by Jesus Christ, the "Word made flesh, God." He wanted to overcome failures and abuses in the church.
He translated the Bible and changed, dominated by the Roman Catholic Church sustainable society. The central authority of the pope and emperor was pushed back and it led to the formation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church and other denominations of Protestantism.
Foto veröffentlicht auf Flickr von by nemodoteles am 2013-01-27 12:40:32
Getagged: , Beroflex Praktica , MTL50 , Praktica MTL 50 , Beroflex , Germany , lens , germany lens , analog photography , film , negative , negativ , Objektiv , Linse , fotografie , 200 ISO , ISO , low fi photography , low fi fotografie , lowtech photography , lowtech fotografie , lowtech , low fi , lofi , Kodak , Fuji , Fujifilm , Epson , Epson Perfection V600 , Sachsen , Saxony , Dresden , Skulptur , Plastik , Statue , sculpture , glyph , Kälte , cold , deadness , Buch , book , Schnee , snow