Vuuduu Pal Resident and Co-founder of the Vinyl label “Ohne kommerziellen Wert” .
Together with her collective she organizes various events, for example like re|fuse (PAL) or re|source (Rote Flora). Musically she moves somewhere between Acid, EBM-Techno and Trance and plays regularly in clubs – like PAL, Tresor, IFZ, Griessmuehle, about:blank, PAN KLUB, Uebel & Gefährlich or Südpol, next to scene known artists like 999999999, Freddy K, Hector Oaks, Len Faki, Amelie Lens, Dr. Rubinstein, Volvox, SHXCXCHCXS, Airod or Volvox, just to name a few.
Her latest vinyl-productions have been released on the Hamburg based label „ohne kommerziellen Wert“ and digital on RND Records.
Techno TV
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