MADmoiselle x Hedoné 8th Anniversary x The Naked Tea Party | KitKatClub
Here is my live recording from „The Naked Tea Party“ floor ⟡ SURREAL EVE~ HEDONÉs 8TH ANNIVERSARY PARTY ⟡ @ KitKatClub (22.04.2022)
„It is time to allow your unconscious mind to freely express itself! This year @hedone-world invites you to co-create a world of deliberate irrationality through aesthetic innovation and revolutionary vision; to embrace the power of dreams, art, and experimentation to awaken your senses and explore your unconscious imaginary.“
Thank you for my beautiful first club gig and for the invitation @thenakedteaparty!
See you soon and enjoy listening! 🧚🏻
QUELLE veröffentlicht von: MADmoiselle
Techno TV
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